MUSTANG Nostalgia
Step into a visual journey spanning 20 years in MUSTANG’s Nostalgia: Two-Decade Odyssey, a panoramic photo exhibition by Kishor Kayastha. This collection captures the breathtaking landscapes and raw essence of Mustang, blending passion, patience, and perseverance to preserve the region's timeless beauty.
A Night to Remember
Prides' Palatte: "A Night To Remember" is a poetry performance platform organized by the Gehendra Dhimal Foundation. The event is Supported by The United States Embassy, Nepal, and IM Swedish Development Partner. Creative Partner: Poet Idol, Media partner: Morph Magazine and KalaKarmi and Production Partner Location Nepal and Presenters' Association of Nepal.
Queer in Fashion
Queer in Fashion is a groundbreaking segment of the Nepal Fashion Festival curated by Gehendra Dhimal Foundation in collaboration with IM Swedish Development Partner that is aimed at celebrating and highlighting the LGBTQ+ community's contributions to the fashion industry.
Short Film Script Competition
Let’s produce an amazing short film and share it with all to enjoy, feel and relate.
Open For All
Extended Deadline: 31st August 2023
Stitching Dreams...
Celebrating the month of Pride.
A Fashion Design and Art Exhibition.Featured Artists: Aliz Ghimire and Aditi Sherpa
Beyond the Binary 2023
BTB campaign aims to sensitize students and teachers regarding concepts related to sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and sex characteristics (SOGIESC). As part of the campaign, a group of Queer Ambassadors visited secondary schools and colleges where they conducted activities and facilitated discussions.
Pride’s Pride
Pride’s Pride is a social initiative which speaks about social inclusiveness of LGBTIQA+ community by showcasing the reality and eradicating delusional perception created by society for a long period of time. This project has three approach – The Book, The Exhibition and The Film.
Creators' Studio
Creators Studio is a platform for upcoming, armature and professional artist from all forte of art and performing art not limited to films to showcase their work. This will be a weekly event providing opportunity for interaction between the creator and audience to share their view and experiences with each other.
Film For Freedom
Films For Freedom - Expression of Voice and Emotions of Queer Community through Films.
Five Films: 3 International and 2 National Queer Films will be screened.
Films For Freedom
To mark the International day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia 2023, along with British Council, we organized a screening of short films from Nepal and the UK (part of the Five Films collection) followed by a reflection on the value of arts/culture to Nepal’s LGBTIQA+ and wider social movements.
Digital Hygiene: Safety in the digital era
A day workshop to help us keep our data and information safe and secure in today’s digital world. Along with how we should be a responsible digital citizen or netizens.
November 5, 2022. Invitation Only.
Himalayan Fashion Adventure
An attempt to bring light to the wide range of creative opportunities for photography and film production that Nepal has to offer and to support the scope of Nepal as a next film and photography destination. A Book launch and a grand Photo Exhibition in Kathmandu, live on National Television as well as setting up a gallery with a theme and feel of the Himalayan Tibetan Plateau.
18 to 26 February 2022.
Inclusive workforce and environment
A day orientation program on how to make workforce and environment of organizations, institution and company inclusive.
Student Film Challenge
Gear up for the annual Student Film Challenge. The practical hands on way to create a funded film project as a part of sharpening your creative skills.
Man Behind The Scene
Celebrating the Life of Gehendra Dhimal
September 18, 1946 - November 9, 2018.
Man Behind the Scene - Celebrating the life of Gehendra Dhimal. A biographical documentary of late Gehendra Dhimal who had been an idol to the film technicians of Nepal.
Personality Development
A week-long workshop that provides the idea and training to develop your personality on professional and personal level.
A monthly award program with a brand new theme every month. The winner grabs recognition as well as cash prize and gift hampers. For the primary and secondary school children.
Artist Residency Program
Explore our award winning multidisciplinary artist residency program.
Script Competition
Script Competition (Short Film). Deadline Extended December 15, 2022.
Photography Competition
Various photography genre and categories. Submit your best photos to be recognized and awarded. Submission Deadline December 28, 2022.
Design Competition
Fashion Design Competition. Submit your best designs to be recognized and awarded. Submission Deadline December 10, 2022.
Dubidha - Short Film (Charity Show)
A charity show for Gehendra Dhimal Foundation.
Himalayan Fashion Adventure - A Solo Exhibition By Gautam Dhimal
A unique fusion of fashion, adventure and landscape.
A celebration of Nepal as a film and photo destination.
Get. Involved.
However you would like to get involved with us; become a member, volunteer or work for the foundation.
Look into the options on how you could help or be a part of the foundation.