A night is dedicated to untold stories, unexpressed desires, and bottled emotions within the individuals. Since ancient times music and poetry have been an effective medium of literature and art to emote stories and desires through notations and verse. Those notes and verses have moved millions of hearts and souls and supported many to understand, create empathy, and loosen up hearts to each other. Among various communities, queer communities have found it hard to express and emote their emotions.

Hence, a night dedicated to remembering and expressing those desires and unraveling emotions is A Night to Remember – Unraveling Emotions and Expressing Desires. Queer Artists and Artists who are allies to the queer community are welcomed to participate by sending their poems and music that utters the notes and verse of emotions that have gone unnoticed and unfelt for a long period.

Purpose and Significance:

Provide a Voice: Offer a platform for queer artists and allies to express their feelings and experiences, which are often overlooked or suppressed in mainstream narratives.

Foster Empathy: Use the emotional power of music and poetry to build bridges of understanding and compassion between diverse audiences.

Encourage Vulnerability: Create a safe space where participants feel comfortable sharing their innermost thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment.

Celebrate Diversity: Highlight the rich, diverse perspectives within the queer community through artistic expression.


Resonate Emotionally: Capture the raw, authentic emotions that individuals may have kept hidden.

Tell Unique Stories: Share personal narratives that might not have been heard before, offering new insights into the human experience.

Inspire and Connect: Move the audience emotionally, encouraging them to reflect, empathize, and perhaps even share their own stories.

Event Experience:

Hear Performances: Enjoy live performances of the selected pieces, experiencing the full emotional depth and artistry of the works.

Engage in Reflection: Have opportunities to reflect on the performances, discussing the themes and emotions with fellow attendees.

Build Community: Connect with others who share a passion for music, poetry, and emotional expression, fostering a sense of community and support.

Date: 23rd August 2024, Friday

Time: 5:30 pm

Venue : 10X, Thamel

Attendance through Invitation only.

Event Details

"A Night to Remember – Unraveling Emotions and Expressing Desires" is more than just an evening of entertainment. It's a heartfelt celebration of the power of art to reveal hidden emotions and bring people together, especially within the queer community. Through music and poetry, this event aims to honor the rich tapestry of human experiences and create a memorable night of connection and understanding.


Creative Partner

Venue Partner 

Media Partner

Production Partner

Viplob Pratik, Gauri Malla

Creative Director
Dev Neupane

Creative Editor:
Alok Lamsal

Consultant :
Vivek Khatiwada

Keshav Gautam

Program Assistants:
Nutan Koirala, Sumedha Sharma

Ashish Shrestha, Sameer

Production Team:
Prakash Hamal , Ayush Shrestha
Yam Pd. Oli

Samaira Shrestha

Online/Live Production and Design:
Bidhya Sagar Prajapati, Nishan Shahi

Paras Mani Subedi, Smarika Phuyal, Rayan Rajbhandari

Krishna Bdr Thapa, Sankal Bhujel

Gimbal Operator:
Anish Shrestha, Suman Khadka

Production Asst. :
Diwas Bot, Prashant Khatiwada, Sambid Tandon