Media As Allies

Media is one of the most prominent ways to voice opinions, discuss human rights issues and shed light on socio cultural realities. There are numerous global examples where a powerful article, book or film has been a catalyst to create historic changes in the landscape of civil rights. In this aspect of the program, we are inviting media personnel to participate and support the cause as allies to create and disseminate concepts and ideas. 

3 day - Workshop

Interactive training and workshop

Demo sessions

Educational Materials

Call for Application

  • Any freelancer associated with a media company or full-time employees are encouraged to apply.

  • Along with your application, please provide a CV and links to two articles (or audio-visual content) published in the past six months.

  • Please provide two to three different story ideas related to the LGBTIQ+ community along with your application

  • If your story idea is selected, you will be working with an advisor and an editor to develop it further, with the goal of publishing it within the next six months.

  • Participants interested in developing their story should also identify the platform to publish.

  • ‘फ्रिलान्सर’ तथा कुनै पनि मिडियामा आबद्ध पत्रकारले आवेदन दिन सक्ने छन्।

  • आवेदन सँगै व्यक्तिगत विवरण (CV) र २०८० वैशाख देखि हालसम्म प्रकाशित दुईवटा कुनै पनि स्टोरी÷समाचार (टेक्सट, भिडियो, अडियो) जुनसुकै माध्यमको लिंक पेश गर्नु पर्ने छ ।

  • आबेदन दिदा लैंगिक तथा यौनिक अल्पसंख्यकका लागि के के स्टोरी गर्न सकिन्छ न्युनतम दुईवटा र अधिकतम तीनवटा स्टोरी÷समाचारका शिर्षक पेश गर्नुपर्ने छ। तालिम सकिएपछि कुनै दुई शिर्षकमा स्टोरी 3 महिना भित्र तयार पारी प्रकाशित भइसकेको हुनुपर्ने छ । स्टोरी गर्दा मेन्टरसिप फाउण्डेशनबाटै उपलब्ध हुने छ ।

  • भिडियो, अडियो अथवा टेक्सट जुनसुकै माध्यममा स्टोरी बनाउन सकिनेछ । प्रकाशनको जिम्मेवारी भने स्वयंम पत्रकारले लिनुपर्ने छ । आफैं काम गरेका मिडियामा स्टोरी प्रकाशन गर्न सकिने छ ।

Deadline: 25th June 2024.